I did a little experiment over the past week

I did a little experiment over the past week to post a Reel, TikTok, and YouTube Short every day. I wanted to see if I could manage and keep up with a daily posting schedule.

The results?

I hated it.

It tanked my focus and added a lot more stress to my week. For me, it’s not worth the trade-offs of my time, energy, and focus to post that often.

I'll be sticking with my weekly YouTube video and once-ish per week on other socials. That gives me the time I need to be heads-down working.

Also, this was the first time I really used Reels and TikTok. I understand why people love it, but personally it gave me a headache. Everything is so fast and chaotic. I prefer a much calmer experience when I'm trying to relax lol.

I have to think about how much I want/need to contribute to that chaos.